All About Tanning

Tanning Plateau

Do you feel stuck, like you’re not getting any more color? You may have hit your Plateau! With every UV exposure,  your skin becomes thicker, making it more difficult for UV rays to reach the second layer of skin where the melanin cells are stored.

Here are some solution that we recommend…
1. Try a different tanning lotion (It is good to switch it up. Your body gets used to the same lotion causing it to not work anymore). Don’t use a lotion, use one!

2. In a lower level bed? UPGRADE! Moving around to different beds will help as well. They all have different amounts of UV rays.

**PLEASE NOTE: Some skin types will not be able to break through the plateau. We all have a certain amount of melanin that our body produces based on our genes/hereditary skin type. There comes a point where you will not get any darker. But you can maintain that



Tanning Guide

The first session should last 5-8 minutes. Gradually add few minutes each time you tan and make sure that there are 24-48 hour intervals between sessions. The lighter your complexion is, The longer the breaks should be.

Use good quality lotions for indoor tanning. The not only keep your skin properly moisturized and nourished, but also leave a pleasant fragrance on it.

You can tan either naked or wearing our swimming suit/ undergarments. But remember to wear the special goggles to protect your eyes.

Moisturize your skin regularly to make it flexible and soft. It also helps your tan last longer.

(DO NOT use any oils or other cosmetics that are not meant for indoor tanning as it may irritate our skin and damage the tanning bed.)

Remove your make up carefully. You do it at home, using your own cosmetics, or you can ask for makeup remover at the salon.

One day before tanning scrub your entire body in order to get rid of dead skin cells. As a result, your tan will last longer.



 Moist skin will tan, Dry skin will burn. ALWAYS use lotion!

 YOU WILL NOT SEE RESULTS IN YOUR FIRST TAN! You will need to come multiple time before you will see results. Give it about a month or 10 sessions before you have a good base tan.

 Tanning beds offer the most controlled way for your body to naturally produce Vitamin D3, especially during the months of Oct. – April.
 Top medical experts agree the benefits of MODERATE indoor UV exposure outweigh the risks.

 Vitamin D3 is crucial in the fight against infection and disease.

 Don’t shower right after tanning; your skin is still tanning hours after your session ends, especially if you use a bronzing lotion.

 You must keep your skin fresh and well exfoliated before a tanning session. Exfoliation removes the dead skin to help get an even tan that last longer.

   Tan naked: tan lines suck. Just tan naked, use lotion on your whole body. 

   Don't hold still. If you do tan naked, about halfway through your tan, roll on your side and put your hands behind you head to make sure you're not missing any spots. 

  Don't wear makeup. Not in general, just while you tan. 

  Use tanning etiquette: Don't spend twenty minutes getting ready after you're done tanning in your room. Get your clothes on, put on deodorant, and get out because people are waiting for that room!


All About Red Light

Why Red light therapy?

Red light therapy is a safe, all natural process that encourages your body to naturally produce enzymes, elastin fibers, and collagen that supports the skins structure. Thus producing younger, smoother, firmer feeling skin. Red light has been researched and used by Mayo Clinic, National institues of health, us military and many more world wide. It has been found effective in repairing damaged skin, treating depression, relieving pain, treating wounds, and killing bacteria. 

Initially after 4 weeks, you'll notice fine lines start to diminish, your skin will have a much smoother feeling to it, pigmentation of the skin will start to even out, and any blemishes or acne will start to diminish. 

In 4-12 weeks, over time improved oxygenation and detoxification of the skin is achieved as the vascular walls of the skin's small blood vessels are strengthened, followed by improved natural repair and creation of healthy skin. This will help restore and firm up tired looking skin, decrease fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, diminish freckles, age spots, eliminate acne, even out pigmentation and minimize the size of facial pores.

It has been shown to improve the appearance of sun-weathered skin, and stimulate collagen synthesis. Overall, its use improves the skins underlying support structure, making you look and feel years younger! 

What Red light helps with

Makes skin look and feel younger

firms and tones skin

dramatically reduces wrinkle and fine lines

helps damaged skin heal up to 200% faster

Eliminates stretch marks in most clients

Greatly reduces scarring

Evens out pigmentation

Effective treatment for acne

Restores moisture to skin 

Repairs sun damaged skin

Increases circulation

relieves joint pain

Effective for psoriasis and eczema

Helps with depression.

recommended session lengths:

1-4 weeks:

15 MINUTES, 3-5 times a week

4-12 weeks:

15 minutes, 2-3 times a week

12+ weeks:

15 minutes, 1-2 times a week